Ok, so I have been really excited to take part in the Flats and Handwashing Challenge and I had everything together. Then, on Monday, I totally forgot. Got up, put diapers in the washer and changed Sweet Pea as usual. It wasn't until noon that I checked Facebook and was reminded of the challenge (hand meet forehead). So, after her nap, I got Sweet Pea into her flat and cover. Since we started her in flats, this was no real change for her, but I had to try and remember some of the different folds again.
Now, this challenge won't necessarily be as challenging for me as it would be for some of my other mommy friends (check out Adventures in Mommyhood about doing this challenge with 3 in diapers!). The main issue I will have will be the handwashing. My other issue is, I just got my cute diapers in the mail from Save Baby Myah and now I can't use them for a week :-( I also just got my Blissful Booty diapers to review in the mail and, again, can't use them for a week :-(
Anyway, once I remembered to put Sweet Pea in a flat diaper, things went well. I never had any issues with flats leaking, and I still don't. I only use one flat diaper at a time and she can go 2+ hours with no issues. I am using Econobum covers, all of them are seconds that I got from Cotton Babies. Overnight, I am using a single flat and a homemade soaker, along with just a cover. Again, I have not had any issues with leaks.
As for the handwashing...right now I am not doing very well with it. I, unfortunately, didn't try to start that until later on this evening. I used a regular garbage pail and filled with hot water and some detergent. I stirred for 5 minutes and then was interrupted. The diapers had a chance to soak for a REALLY long time. I then rinsed them, I thought, rather well and went to hang them in the bathroom. They didn't have a smell, but as they dried, I could smell them and knew they weren't clean. Now they are back in the bucket and I will let them soak overnight. I figure I will dump out the water in the morning and try again with a little detergent and water. If the weather goes as it has the past couple days, the forecasters will promise us rain and nothing will happen, I should be able to line dry them.
The diapers being agitated.
Other than the little handwashing hiccup, diapering isn't really that different than usual. Sweet Pea gets a little frustrated that it is taking me longer to get a diaper on. She is ready to crawl and just wants to GO, GO, GO! I just wish I had remembered I would be doing this challenge when I planned an out of town adventure. I know I will be able to do the flats during that time, I just don't know if I will get to handwash.
Are any of you taking part in the challenge? How are you doing so far?